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Writer's picture Bailey Mitcham

When He Reigns It Pours!

So glad I don't have to walk alone!

I started off 2019 with a post. Just your stereotypical “New Year, New Me” type post that reflected on 2018 and what it taught me. The last line said something like this “I want to be real and know real. I will spend the next year worshiping, adoring, and praising our Father for everything I am and hope to be. I hope you’ll do the same, after all, he’s the reason for everything we are.”

Leave it to cancer to hold you to your New Years resolutions.

2019 has already provided more twists and turns than my previous 26 combined. But I have stuck to my word and I’ve been glued to his. I have continually praised Jesus in this unexpected season because he heals me and he helps me. Our Lord provides!

Okay you skeptics, BELIEVE IT, because he does. In my greatest time of need Jesus has provided me with several moments that have given me one of my favorite feelings. Those rare times when you are driven to ugly cry happy tears.


In the US alone, 270,000 strong, beautiful, women will get a diagnosis similar to mine this year. So, look, I know the situation I’m in isn’t particularly unique. I’ve seen others fight a similar fight with their support group and so, [hopefully this doesn’t come across the wrong way] I expected I would get some love.

I knew my Mom would cry when I told her. I knew my Grandmothers would be inconsolable (I was right, they were all total babies). I knew my husband would be the rock I needed for support and strength. What I didn’t know is that I would be showered with unmeasurable love from my community.

I’m talking big love, from people I have merely brushed shoulders with and even people I have never met! The outpouring of support from you all has left me in tears over and over again. I never expected anything like this. But I should have known. Because that’s exactly what I needed. AND GOD PROVIDES!

Let’s face it. When you get diagnosed with cancer, so does your bank account.

My husband and I had decided to put money completely out of our minds when this journey began. We knew I wouldn’t be able to work as much during treatment, and we knew expenses would pile up.

“Let’s get you healthy and worry about money later. We can always make more money, they aint making anymore of you sweetheart!” - Good advice from the husband.

Truth is, it’s hard not to think about money because I know that those envelopes from the hospital aren’t get well soon cards. And I know I won’t get paid to rest at home with my dogs. And I know how to use the Chase app. It’s like the 5th or 6th most used app I have on my phone. I was worried. Thanks for the update Chase, you jerk.

I prayed. You prayed. Then God got to work! And when he reigns it pours!

Out of nowhere, we were informed that our daughter, Tyler’s, “Wee School” tuition had been taken care of through May! Then, as if that wasn’t enough, we received a “Love Donation” from all of the teachers there. HUH, WHAT???? Then one of the moms in Tyler’s class owns a boutique and God put it on her heart to do something for us, she made the cutest t-shirts and 100% of the proceeds are going to help out OUR family. YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW GOD???

Kirstie, you’re an angel and I could never repay you for your servant heart! And to Acton Baptist Church and its Wee School, you will FOREVER hold the most precious place in my heart! HUGE shout out to Tyler’s teachers for loving our daughter the way they do! One of the best decisions of my life as a mom was enrolling my daughter in this great school! I could praise them for the next hour, but I’ll spare you!

Tyler goes to another school we are in love with, Mrs Vickie’s Dance School. Guess what? An anonymous donor paid for Tyler’s dance class expenses through the year! Wednesday’s are by far her favorite day of the week and the smile Ms. Vicki puts on her face is indescribable. Excuse me while I ugly cry some more, feel free to join, we are just getting started.

As many of you know I am a hair stylist. Well, I got word a little while ago that several salons in our area came together and informed us they are organizing a fundraiser called “Beauty For Bailey!” This was masterminded by a local salon owner who herself battled and BEAT breast cancer. You go girl!

Thank you Kathi and everyone else working on this incredible gesture! When I heard about this I was floored! I’m talking a big time UH-GA-LEEEEE CRY! So, if you want more info on that, join this page!

Another salon owner, and an old friend of mine from high school, Brielle, hosted a "Braids for Bailey" day where she braided hair all day and donated the proceeds to pay my medical bills! She is amazingly sweet and talented!

One of Mitchell’s best friend from high school, Erin, started a GoFundMe for us and raised almost enough to cover my medical expenses after insurance. The donations and love given by so many through her fundraiser rocked our household. We were shocked that so many people, some of whom are complete strangers, would be so generous in helping our family.

This next one was almost too much to handle! I was scheduled to do a wedding on March 30th for a dear friend of mine and Mitchell’s, from college. Well, last week I received a check in the mail for the total cost of all the attendants with the sweetest little note from her and her future husband that read “From the moment I found out about your diagnosis God put this on my heart. Thank you for agreeing to do my wedding but please stay home and love your babies and husband!” As you can imagine the waterworks were working overtime that day. I cry a lot. Get over it.

One of the most amazing gestures we have received is from our sweet friend and photographer Krystal Sandefur. She has donated so much of her time, energy and effort to provide us with priceless photos that have served as beautiful reminders of who I am fighting with and who I am fighting for. Love, love, love her! Side note: if you need a photographer you won't find a better talent or a better person than Krystal.

All in all, I have received handfuls of letters filled with love, donations, special paintings, home decor tailored towards my battle, gift cards for food (because you know we love to eat), books, journals, coffee mugs (because coffee fuels life), chemo care kits, and everything in-between! I am surrounded, both near and far, prayer warriors. More than I ever thought imaginable.

Each gesture of love has made my fight that much easier. It has been the silver lining in this season of storm clouds. And it’s proof that GOD PROVIDES!

This journey has humbled me in more ways than one. I don’t know what I did to deserve all that He has given me. But I will continue to pursue Christ and let him lead me in ways I can pay it forward. So that just as he has in each of you, through me God will provide!

Oh and if you just came here wondering how round 3 went, it sucked. But we good.

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