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Writer's picture Bailey Mitcham

Geminis Don't Pair Well With Cancers

First Chemo Treatment 2/7/19

So there's this cancer in my boob that's been diagnosed with Bailey. Poor thing doesn't stand a chance.

If you know me, you know I am an open book. The only time I bite my tongue is at Church (sometimes) and when I am chewing too fast. So when I was given the life-altering news that I will spend the next year overcoming cancer, I figured, "why not give my friends and family a transparent look at my journey?"

This is my blog! This is not a pity party. If you hear me say poor me, it will always be followed by "a drink." I know that I am blessed. Blessed beyond recognition. I am surrounded by love and surrendered to a God that no cancer can overcome!

So glad you will be joining me on my journey. Feel free to reach out or share my story. My hope is that I can show women and others with newly diagnosed loved ones how to walk this journey with God. Faith fuels my fight!

Alright so here's how we got here.

I was 8 months pregnant with little B and I found a lump when I was in the shower, at my next OBGYN appt I brought it to her attention. She felt it, said we’d keep an eye out on it (probably just a milk cyst) and I went on my merry way!

2 months later I had that little nugget and once my milk came in (sorry dudes lol) I felt like the “cyst” had doubled in size. I asked all of the lactation consultants, my doctors, nurses and everyone assured me it was just a galactacyl cyst.

I nursed for about 3 weeks and it became unbearable. I let my milk dry up and was told to wait and see if it went down at all after didn’t. I went to see my primary care physician and she ordered a breast ultrasound.

I went to Solis Mammography on Tuesday January 8th and their system was down, so I came back the following Tuesday, the 15th. I had an ultrasound done and immediately after the doctor wanted a mammogram. After reviewing my mammo she asked me if I could have someone meet me there to go over a few things OH JESUS! (I went alone because I was sure it was just a cyst!) I called Mitchell and he met me in the conference room and immediately starting praying as he walked in. He assured me the reason I had been pursing the Lord so strongly was for this fight RIGHT HERE. She told us she was very concerned it was cancer and wanted to schedule the biopsy for Friday.

I had my breast biopsy done on Friday January 18th. On Tuesday January 22nd my PCP called me with the results and confirmed it was cancer.

I have Stage 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with spreading to the lymph nodes (only 2 - praise Jesus!!) with no metastasizing! I am Estrogen +, Progesterone - and HER2 - so basically my cancer is fueled by estrogen, which is why it’s tripled in size in 6 months!

I have had a breast biopsy, lymph node biopsy, PET scan, port placement, and thyroid biopsy, all in the last 2 weeks! I’ve been poked and prodded more times than I can count, but it’s all for the greater good!

I had an appointment with my oncologist before my treatment today and she confirmed that my thyroid biopsy was malignant. It’s Stage l, no lymph node involvement, and 99.9% curable! We are putting it on the back burner until we tackle this breast, for now!

Today was my first chemo treatment and my nurse is precious and the unit is wonderful (they even have heated blankets!) I’m able to do my chemo treatments in Granbury, at Texas Oncology! Super convenient!

My treatment plan is:

Adriamycin (The Red Devil) & Cytoxan for 8 weeks every other week. This is the chemo that will cause me to lose my hair, bad taste buds, mouth sores, neuropathy, all that super fun stuff!

Then I’ll do 12 weeks of chemotherapy called Taxol.

Next, I’ll get these boobs off and get some new ones put on (hopefully take this thyroid out too)

Up next I’ll have radiation & then 5 years of hormone therapy.


The Lord has graced me with the most precious peace I have ever known. I have no fear, my life is in his hands.

“The Lord will fight for you and you won’t have to do a thing.” Exodus 14:14 #BattleVerse

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Feb 12, 2019

It has been incredible to watch your journey so far. Strength and fearlessness only God can provide!

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